1 // Copyright (c) 2017 Matthew Brennan Jones <matthew.brennan.jones@gmail.com>
2 // Boost Software License - Version 1.0
3 // A simple progress dialog for the D programming language
4 // https://github.com/workhorsy/d-progress-dialog
6 /++
7 A simple progress dialog for the D programming language
9 It should work without requiring any 3rd party GUI toolkits. But will work with what it can find on your OS at runtime.
11 Tries to make a progress dialog with:
13 * DlangUI (win32 on Windows or SDL2 on Linux)
15 * Zenity (Gtk/Gnome)
17 * Kdialog (KDE)
19 Home page:
20 $(LINK https://github.com/workhorsy/d-progress-dialog)
22 Version: 0.3.0
24 License:
25 Boost Software License - Version 1.0
27 Examples:
28 ----
29 import std.stdio : stdout, stderr;
30 import progress_dialog : ProgressDialog, RUN_MAIN;
32 mixin RUN_MAIN;
34 extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
35 	import core.thread;
37 	// Create the dialog
38 	auto dialog = new ProgressDialog("It's waitin' time!", "Waiting ...");
40 	// Set the error handler
41 	dialog.onError((Throwable err) {
42 		stderr.writefln("Failed to show progress dialog: %s", err);
43 		dialog.close();
44 	});
46 	// Show the progress dialog
47 	dialog.show({
48 		// Update the progress for 5 seconds
49 		int percent = 0;
50 		while (percent < 100) {
51 			dialog.setPercent(percent);
52 			percent += 20;
53 			Thread.sleep(1.seconds);
54 			stdout.writefln("percent: %s", percent);
55 			stdout.flush();
56 		}
58 		// Close the dialog
59 		dialog.close();
60 	});
62 	return 0;
63 }
65 ----
66 +/
68 module progress_dialog;
70 bool is_sdl2_loadable = false;
71 bool use_log = false;
73 static this() {
74 	import std.stdio : stdout;
76 	// Figure out if the SDL2 libraries can be loaded
77 	version (Have_derelict_sdl2) {
78 		import derelict.sdl2.sdl : DerelictSDL2, SharedLibVersion, SharedLibLoadException;
79 		try {
80 			DerelictSDL2.load(SharedLibVersion(2, 0, 2));
81 			is_sdl2_loadable = true;
82 			stdout.writefln("SDL was found ...");
83 		} catch (SharedLibLoadException) {
84 			stdout.writefln("SDL was NOT found ...");
85 		}
86 	}
87 }
89 /++
90 This should be called once at the start of a program. It generates the proper
91 main function for your environment (win32/posix/dmain) and boot straps the
92 main loop for the GUI. This will call your UIAppMain function when ready.
93 +/
94 mixin template RUN_MAIN() {
95 	version (unittest) { } else {
96 		// On Windows use the normal dlangui main
97 		version (Windows) {
98 			import dlangui;
99 			mixin APP_ENTRY_POINT;
100 		// On Linux use a custom main that checks if SDL is installed
101 		} else {
102 			int main(string[] args) {
103 				import progress_dialog : is_sdl2_loadable;
104 				// If SDL2 can be loaded, start the SDL2 main
105 				if (is_sdl2_loadable) {
106 					import dlangui.platforms.sdl.sdlapp : sdlmain;
107 					return sdlmain(args);
108 				// If not, use the normal main provided by the user
109 				} else {
110 					return UIAppMain(args);
111 				}
112 			}
113 		}
114 	}
115 }
117 /++
118 If true will print output of external program to console.
119 Params:
120  is_logging = If true will print to output
121 +/
122 public void setUseLog(bool is_logging) {
123 	use_log = is_logging;
124 }
126 /++
127 Returns if external program logging is on or off.
128 +/
129 public bool getUseLog() {
130 	return use_log;
131 }
133 abstract class ProgressDialogBase {
134 	this(string title, string message) {
135 		_title = title;
136 		_message = message;
137 	}
139 	void onError(void delegate(Throwable err) cb) {
140 		_on_error_cb = cb;
141 	}
143 	void fireOnError(Throwable err) {
144 		auto old_cb = _on_error_cb;
145 		_on_error_cb = null;
147 		if (old_cb) old_cb(err);
148 	}
150 	void show(void delegate() cb);
151 	void setPercent(int percent);
152 	void close();
154 	string _title;
155 	string _message;
156 	void delegate(Throwable err) _on_error_cb;
157 }
159 /++
160 The ProgressDialog class
161 +/
162 class ProgressDialog {
163 	import progress_dialog_zenity : ProgressDialogZenity;
164 	import progress_dialog_kdialog : ProgressDialogKDialog;
165 	//import progress_dialog_win32 : ProgressDialogWin32;
166 	import progress_dialog_dlangui : ProgressDialogDlangUI;
168 	/++
169 	Sets up the progress dialog with the desired title, and message. Does not
170 	show it until the show method is called.
171 	Params:
172 	 title = The string to show in the progress dialog title
173 	 message = The string to show in the progress dialog body
174 	Throws:
175 	 If it fails to find any programs or libraries to make a progress dialog with.
176 	+/
177 	this(string title, string message) {
178 		/*if (ProgressDialogWin32.isSupported()) {
179 			_dialog = new ProgressDialogWin32(title, message);
180 		} else */
182 		if (ProgressDialogDlangUI.isSupported()) {
183 			_dialog = new ProgressDialogDlangUI(title, message);
184 		} else if (ProgressDialogZenity.isSupported()) {
185 			_dialog = new ProgressDialogZenity(title, message);
186 		} else if (ProgressDialogKDialog.isSupported()) {
187 			_dialog = new ProgressDialogKDialog(title, message);
188 		} else {
189 			throw new Exception("Failed to find a way to make a progress dialog.");
190 		}
191 	}
193 	/++
194 	This method is called if there is an error when showing the progress dialog.
195 	Params:
196 	 cb = The call back to fire when there is an error.
197 	+/
198 	void onError(void delegate(Throwable err) cb) {
199 		_dialog._on_error_cb = cb;
200 	}
202 	/++
203 	Shows the progress dialog. Will run the callback in a thread and
204 	block until it is closed or percent reaches 100.
205 	+/
206 	void show(void delegate() cb) {
207 		_dialog.show(cb);
208 	}
210 	/++
211 	Set the percent of the progess bar. Will close on 100.
212 	Params:
213 	 percent = from 0 to 100
214 	+/
215 	void setPercent(int percent) {
216 		_dialog.setPercent(percent);
217 	}
219 	/++
220 	Close the dialog.
221 	+/
222 	void close() {
223 		_dialog.close();
224 	}
226 	ProgressDialogBase _dialog;
227 }